Sunday, April 26, 2020

9 years have passed.....

long time... that I haven't typed and shared.
But as we realize another year gone by.  Years are marked by many as the New Year on January 1st, a birthday or a major event that is life alternating.
This year and every year moving forward since April 27, 2011 our marking event we have reached is 9 yrs since our sweet baby boy AJ was in our arms.  I warn and admit freely to many I have moments of heartache from his Birthday on January 31 till his Angel Day on April 27..... this season is coming to a close and I can feel a little freedom from my stitched broken heart to move on with the year. It becomes a little brighter in my heart.

As it hits this year due to a lot of isolation due to Covid-19 virus concerns. I have felt a bit more alone in my grief and stressed due to day to day changes. Over the years we have tried to find ways to share our love for AJ, but I often left myself open for disappointment with lack of support diminishing over the years.  As years pass we have found ways to celebrate and speak his name together as a family. I cherish the quiet Heavenly moments that whisper to me that we are not alone in this.  I know we have our own personal angel that watches over our whole family.  As years pass I wonder if I am doing the right or wrong thing when we remember our sweet baby gone too soon. This year we plan to be together as a family at home ... go to cemetery.... just move through the day of emotions that remind me of the worst day of my life as a mother that followed the most heart wrenching moments for a long time.
I know in this Journey of Grief, Joy cometh in the morning, as a wake in the morning I can feel the warmth of the sun and choose to find Joy every day.
I will choose to find beautiful Joyful flowers tomorrow and maybe into the next day
Our AJ Memory Place

This might have been short, Sometimes hard to find the words and easier to share a little bit of my mama heart 💓

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